Monitor operations

You can perform various operations on the monitor. See below what you can perform.

Available operations

monitor actions

  1. Live view the monitor execution. Go to live view.

  2. Display the monitor report. Go to display report.

  3. Kill the monitor execution. Go to kill a running monitor.

  4. Run monitor in browser mode on the MNS Monitor. Go to run browser mode.

  5. Run monitor in headless mode on the MNS Monitor. Go to run headless mode.

  6. Delete the monitor. Go to delete monitor.

  7. Clean the monitor’s data. Go to clean monitor.

  8. Download the last monitor’s logfile. Go to last logfile monitor.

  9. Download the last monitor’s HAR file. Go to last HAR monitor.

  10. Download the monitor’s run files. Go to download run files.

  11. View the monitor. Go to view monitor.

  12. Duplicate the monitor. Go to duplicate monitor.

  13. Edit the monitor. Go to edit monitor.

Once logged in, you can perform the below operations.

Live View

  1. hover on the monitor and click on the live view icon
monitor actions
  1. the live view execution of the monitor is displayed in the modal windows
monitor actions

Display report

  1. hover on the monitor and click on the report icon
monitor actions
  1. the report shows up in a modal windows
monitor actions

Kill a running monitor

  1. hover on the monitor and click on the kill icon
monitor actions

At the bottom right once the kill operation finishes, the status notification will show up.

  • if the monitor was successfully killed:

server settings

  • if the monitor is not currently running:

server settings

Run browser mode

When the monitor is run in browser mode, the execution will open the specified browser and you can will see the browser interaction with the website.

  1. hover on the monitor and click on the run browser mode icon
monitor actions

At the bottom right once the run finishes, the status notification will show up. Below are the possible status:

  • if the monitor runs sucessfully:

server settings

  • if the monitor runs into a error:

server settings

  • if the monitor’s config is missing:

server settings

  • if the monitor fails to start:

server settings

  • if there is already a running instance of the monitor:

server settings

For status meaning, refer to the monitor statuses.

Run headless mode

When the monitor is run in headless mode, the execution will not open any browser and will run silently in the background.

  1. hover on the monitor and click on the run headless mode icon
monitor actions

At the bottom right once the run finishes, the status notification will show up. For status refer to the monitor statuses.

Monitor statuses

below are the status color code of monitor runs:
server settings

  1. overlap: this status means that there is already a running monitor. Wait after the monitor finishes to run the monitor.
  2. error: this status means that the monitor failed to run.
  3. config: this status means that the monitor’s config is missing on the probe.
  4. exception: this status occurs when the monitor failed to start.
  5. green color: this status means that the monitor successfully ran. The value inside is the time it took to run.
  6. yellow color: this status means that the monitor successfully ran but the minor threshold was crossed. The value inside is the time it took to run.
  7. orange color: this status means that the monitor successfully ran but the major threshold was crossed. The value inside is the time it took to run.
  8. red color: this status means that the monitor successfully ran but the critical threshold was crossed. The value inside is the time it took to run.

Delete monitor

  1. hover on the monitor and click on the delete icon
monitor actions
  1. answer yes to perform the deletion otherwise answer no
    monitor actions

At the bottom right once the deletion finishes, the status notification will show up. Below are the possible status:

  • if the monitor deletion was successful:

server settings

  • if the monitor is use in a report or a downtime:

server settings

In the later case, you need to remove the monitor from those reports and/or downtimes. The monitor can be remove only when there is no reference to it in reports and/or downtimes.

Clean monitor

  1. hover on the monitor and click on the clean icon
monitor actions
  1. answer yes to perform the cleaning otherwise answer no
monitor actions

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:
monitor actions

  1. monitor’s data should have been purged
monitor actions

Last logfile monitor

  1. hover on the monitor and click on the download latest logfile icon
monitor actions

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:
monitor actions

Last HAR file

  1. hover on the monitor and click on the download HAR file icon
monitor actions

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:
monitor actions

Download run files

  1. hover on the monitor and click on the download icon
monitor actions

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:
monitor actions

View monitor

  1. hover on the monitor and click on the view icon
monitor actions
  1. close the modal windows to return back to the monitors list page
monitor actions

Duplicate monitor

  1. hover on the monitor and click on the duplicate icon
monitor actions
  1. update the monitor’s settings, script, actions for this duplicate instance, and click on the duplicate button
monitor actions
  1. the duplicated monitor should appear in the list
monitor actions

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:

monitor actions

Edit monitor

  1. hover on the monitor and click on the edit icon
monitor actions
  1. update the monitor’s settings, script, actions for this instance, and click on the update button
monitor actions
  1. the edited monitor should appear in the list
monitor actions

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:

monitor actions

Toggle compact view

  1. click on the checkbox to display a compact view
monitor actions

Filter monitor

We can filter monitors based on their state (enabled/disabled) or their name.

  1. Click on the given button to toggle the filter
  2. Click on any of these value to filter based on the state
  3. Type in case sensitive pattern (part of the monitor name, tag, monitor) and type enter
monitor filter
  1. Type in “moda” and type enter
  2. Downtimes matching this criteria should appears in the list
monitor filter

Mugnsoft Gitlab integration

GitLab is a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git-repository manager providing wiki, issue-tracking and continuous integration and deployment pipeline[8] features, using an open-source license, developed by GitLab Inc.

To be able to perform these Gitlab operations, you need to configure first Mugnsoft Gitlab access. Here’s how to

Update to Gitlab

We will demonstrate below how to save the monitor’s data (settings and script) in your Gitlab infrastructure.

  1. hover on the monitor and click on the edit icon
monitor actions
  1. Click on the “Update & push Gitlab” button
monitor gitlab
  1. Enter a Gitlab commit message
monitor gitlab
  1. Confirm to proceed otherwise cancel
monitor gitlab

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:

monitor gitlab
  1. If you view/edit the monitor, you will notice the Gitlab logo
monitor gitlab
  1. Check you Gitlab repository, the commit message should be there along the Mugnsoft user that performed the commit
monitor gitlab

Get from Gitlab

You can fetch the latest commited version of your monitor’s data from Gitlab

  1. hover on the monitor and click on the edit icon
monitor actions
  1. Check whether the “Get from Gitlab” button as the Gitlab logo on it, if this the case that means the version you’re editing is the latest committed one on Gitlab
monitor filter
  1. Now assume that you have updated the monitor’s setting and/or the monitor’s script, but it was a wrongly move. If you wish to get the latest committed version from Gitlab and override the latest changes on this monitor. You simply have to click on the “Get from Gitlab” button.
monitor filter
  1. Confirm to proceed otherwise cancel. Note that this will override any changes made.
monitor filter

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:

monitor filter

You should see the monitor’s data from the latest commit from.

monitor filter